Friday, December 14, 2012

Creating a tapestry of thankfulness!

Last year I had the privilege of hearing husband and wife team Jack and Kathy Stockman speak at a local MOPS (Mothers of Preschoolers) meeting. They run a ministry called "Celebrations and Traditions", whose mission is to "inspire and assist people in building families, friendships, and faith through the development of meaningful and fun celebrations and traditions." You can find them on Facebook under "celebrations and traditions" or at They have great ideas for special celebrations throughout the year. Guess what? They inspired me, and one of their ideas led to a new favorite family tradition: the thankfulness tablecloth! 

4 generations, and LOTS to be thankful for at Thanksgiving dinner 2012!
I think this tradition resonated with me for two reasons. First, it's really cool! Second, it is SO EASY to do! The Stockmans suggested taking a plain white tablecloth, and choosing one color of sharpie (or other permanent marker) for each year. We've found that the fine point markers work best. Set the Thanksgiving or Christmas table with your special cloth. Note: my "special" cloth cost around $10 online. Then comes the cool part. Have each person in your family trace their hand, and write something they're thankful for, or a way they've seen God work in their life that year. That's it! For the following years, select a different color. Over time, you'll develop a tapestry of handprints, and a visual reminder of God's faithfulness to your family. Beautiful!

We started this tradition at Thanksgiving last fall when my side of the family was gathered together, then the tablecloth traveled up to Minnesota with us for Christmas to capture my husband's side of the family too. As it turns out, 2011 was a special year on BOTH sides.  Seeing the tiny footprints of two new babies, and the handprints of newly two newly adopted teenagers from that year is truly special. My grandmother is 91, so I hope that someday my girls will look back with love seeing their small hands next to hers. And it's priceless knowing that your 3 year-old nephew is thankful for "church and breakfast!"

Do you have a favorite holiday tradition? As I've found, it's always a great time to start a new one. Especially when it's easy and meaningful!

Thursday, December 6, 2012

An Evening with Jill Savage

I love Jill Savage.  If I had a celebrity "mom crush" it would be on her. No, she's not a Hollywood starlet, or someone who blogs about her perfectly organized home. She is a normal mom from Central Illinois. Well, one who also happens to have written several books on marriage and parenting, and is founder and CEO of the popular Hearts at Home conferences.

Jill Savage photo

I really enjoy Jill's down-to-earth demeanor and candor. She's a polished speaker, and is able to covey the juggles and struggles of motherhood in an honest and funny way. Every time I hear her speak I leave refreshed, encouraged and best of all, with a greater desire to go home with a heart full of love for my husband and children.

A few weeks ago I had the opportunity to hear Jill at "A Night with Jill Savage" hosted by Crossroads Church in Monticello. Here are a few of the points she shared that stuck with me:
  • We must consider motherhood a profession. What do you want to accomplish in your career as a mom? Ask yourself "am I being intentional every day in that career?"
  • Maximize the moments you're given, you can't go back! She illustrated this point by showing photos of her family and telling the stories of each of her children throughout the talk. Funny, this has already been on my mind recently. I actually shared a similar message in my Faith at Home moment at MAFMC in August. One nugget of wisdom Jill often shares is that we have to CUT BACK on all the extra "things" that fill up our lives and zap us of our time and energy. She suggests "One major, one minor" outside of family. If you have two full time careers, mom and another, that's your "major". It also might be homeschooling or a part time job. The "minor" might be a volunteer ministry position, or something like a room mom responsibility. I know this is hard, because there are so many good things out there! It reminds me of another quote I heard recently "saying 'no' right now is not the same thing as saying 'never." She points out that you will miss the moments that matter if you're too stressed out!
  • We must never compare our insides to other mom's outsides.  I've also heard it stated, don't compare your insides to someone else's external "highlight reel". Ever feel that way after scrolling through Facebook? My hubby does pro photography, and let me tell you, it is AMAZING what that camera and some photo retouching software can do. Except for a few serial over-sharers, most of us don't put our daily struggles or darkest thoughts out there for the world to see. Jill pointed out that honesty breeds honesty.
  • We must understand our value and self worth in Christ. If you have a relationship with Christ, remember HE defines you, not your children, their choices or behavior.  If you don't know Christ, or want to learn more, please reach out to me, one of us at Mattis Avenue (, or someone at a church near you. Our kids need secure moms who know their identity in HIM.
Jill has a new book coming out soon titled "No More Perfect Moms".  As someone who once sent her kindergartener to school with her jeans on backwards, I look forward to reading this one soon!  Oh, and if you'd like to check out her blog, you can find it here:  

Have you learned a nugget of wisdom from Jill? If so, what's your favorite? 

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Faith at Home moment 11.14.12

I love how a well done two-minute video clip can stick with you. This one definitely qualifies!

I must admit, I still get choked up watching this!  With God's help, let's do our best to parent with "no regrets"!  Video from Lake Pointe Church's Faith Path program.